The House with the View


project overview

The brief was to take the bones of this transitional house and transform it in to a contemporary modern home for the family to enjoy. It was also important to maximise the impact of the beautiful views that this home could look out upon and have the sense of bringing the outside in.

Asperiores dolores nihil vel quia commodi

Impedit corrupti mollitia quos pariatur sint laudantium vero maxime provident. Accusantium et rerum numquam sequi accusantium qui quaerat. Et voluptatem voluptas velit fuga iusto nulla. Culpa nemo cum. Sit rerum provident delectus voluptas ut similique. Minima qui dolorem voluptatum.

Voluptatem non nostrum. Non qui facere. Repudiandae est in magni vel est explicabo. Commodi enim qui qui dignissimos qui molestias. Ut porro deserunt est natus exercitationem enim. Libero vitae voluptatem.

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